About Us

SMEs Knowledge Network consists of the three regions - Japan, Korea and Taiwan – and sends out information on SMEs in a common format. In cooperation with related organizations in each region, we try not only to deepen network of industrial, governmental, academic and banking sectors but also try to enhance the momentum for global business of SMEs that manage their business with restricted resources.


產官學金共同合作的中小企業網路SMEs Knowledge Network where industrial, governmental, academic and banking sectors cooperate

環東亞國際中小企業網路SMEs International Network of Ring East Asia

本網站是日本,韓國,台灣3地區的網路,并且利用共同的格式發布各地區中小企業的信息。在各地區相關機關的合作下,不僅深化產官學金網路, 并且提高在有制約的經營資源中經營的中小企業的國際展開的機會。

合作組織(Cooperating Organizations)